
I have decided to make Good Shepherd my church home.

How do I become a member?

Make a habit of weekly worship with us. Get to know us and get to know what's happening at Good Shepherd. Here's a form you can use to be added to our list of friends. Feel free also to contact Pastor Josh for personal conversation. If you’ve ever been a member of another Episcopal congregation, you can contact them to have your membership transferred to Good Shepherd officially.

Twice a year, we give people the opportunity to be welcomed publicly as new members. This isn't required for anyone, though; you can just tell us you're baptized, and if you like, we'll then consider you a member.

I was baptized in another Christian denomination. Can I be a member?

Absolutely! The Episcopal Church recognizes the baptism of nearly all Christian denominations. If you have doubts about how our church might view your baptism, ask a clergy person about it. We honor the gifts that your own Christian denomination has given you. But if you have experienced hurt or betrayal in another church, we are here to help you heal and find restoration. If you’d like to become an Episcopalian officially, there’s a process for that as well, and you may feel a tug from God in that direction. However, this is only a prerequisite for a few specific leadership roles. Your baptism makes you a full member of the Church.

I’m not baptized. Am I a member?

No, but that’s OK; you’re no less valued as a part of our community. Baptism is a commitment to follow in the way of Jesus Christ in the context of the worldwide Church, and it can be undertaken on your child’s behalf or on your own as an adult. Ask Pastor Josh about the process. In the meantime, be with us, pray with us, learn alongside us, and grow in your faith in this community, and we’ll all find our way together. We believe that God calls us into baptism at the right time.

See also our page on Giving; we encourage all members to make a financial pledge to Good Shepherd.

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