
At Good Shepherd we talk about "faith formation": not just filling the head with facts, but helping each other become more and more the faithful people God invites us to be.

Faith formation is a lifelong process. Those of us who were baptized as children get to spend the rest of our lives living into what that means. Those of us baptized later in life get to experience the joy of learning about the Christian faith on the way to baptism and then continuing to live our faith from there.

We have found that an intergenerational approach to Christian learning strengthens Christian identity; deepens friendships in community; assures ongoing growth; equips Christian leaders at every age; and facilitates the sharing of wisdom across the generations.

Formation ministries of Good Shepherd

Weekly worship is primary faith formation for all ages. Children learn how to be in church by being in church. And if they're noisy, know that the sound of their voices is music to the ears of many older folks!

Godly Play is a wonder-filled, story-centered program for children ages 3-11. We tell sacred stories from the Bible to help children become more fully aware of the mystery of God’s presence in their lives. Children are encouraged to respond to the stories through play and art as they come to know God in ways that are specific to their stage in life.

Youth in grades 6–12 are involved in all aspects of worship and community. They participate and grow in faith as they serve in our weekly worship. They are also invited into a network of opportunities for youth regionally, through frequent events shared with other Episcopal churches and through other organizations like Camp Huston, the Episcopal summer camp and retreat center in western Washington. Youth who serve in the church or take part in regional youth programs are learning important life skills as they deepen their trust in God's guidance.

For adults, we offer consistent learning opportunities both on-site and online: Bible studies, book groups, confirmation classes, and much more.

Ways to get started

Check out Upcoming Events and sign up for a class!

Feeling shy? Want to know more about what we teach here first? Check out some of our banked classes on YouTube.

Every year, we offer a process called The Way that is helpful also for developing friendships at Good Shepherd. From January through May, this group meets weekly to share our personal stories of our faith. We tell the stories of our lives through a faith lens -- that is, our "spiritual autobiographies." We engage with the Bible together reflectively. We learn to listen for the call of the Holy Spirit in our lives. The Way is designed for adults and mature youth who specifically want to deepen their faith. It also serves as preparation for baptism, confirmation, or formal reception into the Episcopal Church.

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