Getting wet and staying fed ...
Our journey begins and continues with sacraments.
Baptism is a big deal in the Episcopal Church. We believe that baptism is what makes one a Christian in the first place, and that it only happens once. We choose to have faith in God’s ability to work through baptism in any denomination and in any circumstance.
You can believe in Jesus without being baptized, but baptism is what centers us in the Christian life—and you can’t be a Christian all by yourself. While baptism is something we decide to do, we also believe that God calls us to baptism at the right time. Yet we don’t believe that our salvation depends on whether we are baptized, because our salvation is not a matter of our own efforts. In this mystical tension we find a topic of ongoing conversation with God and an invitation always to go deeper into the Christian life.
If baptism is the non-repeatable sacrament, then Holy Communion is the eminently repeatable one. Holy Communion is Christians’ weekly participation in the death and resurrection of Christ. As such, it properly flows from the vows made at our baptism.
Even so, all are invited to the table: the baptized who have committed to follow Jesus Christ, and any guests at Jesus’ table. If you are not baptized and would like to begin to explore the possibility, please reach out to Pastor Josh.