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Worship with us this Sunday.

8:00 or 10:30 a.m.

Welcome to the Church of the Good Shepherd! We’re glad that you have found us. We don’t know yet whether you will find Good Shepherd to be your faith home, but we hope so.

If there’s one thing we love in the Episcopal Church, it’s questions. After all, there’s a lot we don’t know, even if we’ve spent a lifetime in the church. Some questions have simple, straightforward answers. But we also find that many of our answers are provisional and open to surprises and new interpretations. We will never have God all figured out—and it would be a shame if we thought we did.

So we are all pilgrims on a journey through life together. Those of us in the Christian faith have found in Jesus of Nazareth the best explanation for who created us and what the purpose of all this might be.

Those of us who have embraced the Christian faith understand our mission to be sharing Good News with the world: the news that God loves us, sustains us, and gives our lives eternal meaning. We believe that through Jesus Christ, God has reconciled an estranged world to Godself, and that our proper response is to love one another. The story of Jesus continues to this day through the Church, and we believe that God is working in you, too, inviting you to share God’s love with a world that desperately needs it.

Might Good Shepherd become your home base, your place of refreshment and renewal for a bold mission of love? Get to know us and find out … and keep those questions coming!


The Rev. Josh Hosler [he|him]

Rector, the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd

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