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Office Hours

Tuesday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Appointments with Pastor Josh by request.

When You Arrive

OK, so a map is all well and good, but what if you're just not sure about coming to church?

Maybe Christians have always seemed a little weird but strangely compelling. Or maybe you've been hurt or at least put off by a past experience with flawed church people, but you sincerely want to approach God and don't know how.

Well, you won't find any perfect people here, but we pray that you will find a warm welcome, and we'll do our best to make that happen. Know when you come that there are no strings attached to your visit ... only heartfelt invitations.

If you're unfamiliar with

our style of worship, do your best not to worry about how you will look to others. You're not alone, and we're all continually learning. We believe that God's grace is at work in all things.

Whether you eagerly join our congregation or whether we never see you again, you will bless us with your presence and we will seek to be a blessing to you as well.

So just show up. And ask questions ... lots and lots of questions. You will never get in trouble at Good Shepherd for asking questions, because we believe that questions are fuel for a faith-filled life.